Choosing the Most Effective Approach for Workforce Management

Choosing the Most Effective Approach for Workforce Management

  2023-10-16 00:00:00

organizations and their respective Human Resources departments face a myriad of challenges in this era of continuous and radical change. Their workforce is increasingly becoming a diverse set of global profiles and digital-focused skills.

The company's needs and expectations have also evolved towards using new technologies, tools, and business models.

In this blog post, we analyzed the most significant challenges facing organizations and made recommendations for ensuring efficient operational performance with a highly motivated workforce.

1. Breaking The Hierarchy

Organizations no longer carry out their processes as they did ten years ago. In the past, hierarchies were essential to maintain control under the idea that "someone must make the decisions." It was believed that if everyone did what they thought best, the company would easily lose its direction.

It has been necessary to break with hierarchical structures and design different models focused on teamwork to achieve this. Each employee does their part and can make decisions by their responsibilities and use negotiation and resilience as core competencies.

Leaders are responsible for knowing their employees in-depth to form efficient teams that work together towards clear objectives. Multidisciplinary work is highly valued because experts in each subject can contribute to a project through existing connections among its members.

2. Provide Learning and Training Opportunities

Many companies have found that part of their employees' emotional paycheck includes access to learning and continuous development opportunities.

In turn, organizations benefit from having a more qualified workforce better prepared for technological and business model changes. In addition, all this contributes to the improvement of the corporate culture.

Employees are the well-taken advantage of training opportunities which are an excellent way to keep them motivated. It shows them that the company has confidence in their talent and provides them with new tools for their job, boosting their productivity.

E-learning or online training is a flexible alternative that prevents workers from leaving the office and adapting to their schedules, especially with the ease of use of mobile devices.

In addition, companies may offer economic bonuses as part of the law's incentive for corporate training programs.

3. Avoid Bad Hiring Practices

It is common for companies to have a series of bad practices in the recruitment process. Lobby systems, nepotism, internal politics, and exploitation are just some of them.

Employ lobbies harm companies which negatively affects their operations and slows down their processes. It also affects the hiring of human resources when approvals must go through many hands, for example.

Implementing continuous improvements through external and internal audits can allow visualizing the obstacles and developing a new work methodology.

As for nepotism, some companies hire relatives or close associates to perform positions for which they are not properly trained. With this bad practice, a small company risks depending on limited resources.

It is not easy to manage, especially in a family business, but there are ways to establish rules of the game that avoid affecting productivity and competitiveness.

Friendships and family relationships should be kept separate from work. It is also important to be objective when hiring professionals who the organization needs.

Another very bad practice is internal politics in an organization and hiring employees through cronyism. This bad habit does not allow the selection process to be transparent. Not all professionals who have the preparation and experience to perform the position cannot participate.

These situations in a company wreak havoc on staff morale and demotivate workers

4. Enhance a Good Employee Experience

Human Resources departments focus their efforts on understanding and improving the employee experience. A good employee experience translates into a good experience for the company's customers.

The employee is the spokesperson for the company wherever they go; what they say about their experience becomes the company's calling card. Your employees should become your biggest and best supporters if their expertise matches the image the company is selling to the public.

One of the organizations' goals is to build employee loyalty and strengthen their sense of belonging. But building employee loyalty requires more than just salary and compensation.

Salary is important because it provides value to the position, but the "emotional salary" is even more important. A good working environment and working conditions, training opportunities, and recognition, among others, are essential for companies to become places for professional and personal growth.

5. Adopt New Work Monitoring and Evaluation Methodologies

The new trend in business is to change the way of monitoring and evaluating the work performed by employees. Many companies are following new team-centric methodologies based on teamwork and collaboration rather than individual achievements.

Qualitative information makes it possible to identify the most productive employees, i.e., to give more importance to achieving goals than to the goals themselves, which are usually quantitative.

Valuing creativity, innovation, and giving employees the freedom to find their way of organizing themselves contributes, together with the factors described above, to motivating personnel, especially the younger ones.

6. Promote a New Style of Leadership

Today's new leaders are digital and have different skills than older generations. A good leader is known for integrating and guiding their team, keeping members connected and loyal, and fostering work methods based on innovation, learning, and continuous improvement.

New leadership models support organizations to be more dynamic, connected, and team-centric. It reinforces the company's brand image among its employees and customers and makes it more attractive to attract the best professionals.

7. Open to Digitalization and Adoption of New Technologies

For companies to be at the forefront, their employees must be digital and embrace new technologies. The Human Resources department oversees carrying out the company's digital transformation to adopt the technology it requires to improve its productivity and efficiency.

It starts with digitizing the department itself and then bringing this change to the workforce. Currently, 41% of HR departments actively use mobile apps to deliver services to workers.

Every day more and more companies are aware that stagnation in the implementation of technological changes has serious repercussions on the motivation of workers, who find it a major obstacle to their work and in their relationships with suppliers and customers.

8. Resolve Issues with Dialogue

One of the workers is not measuring up, or worse, it is generating real problems for the company. If possible, organizations should avoid creating a rich work environment and resolve the issues of each employee with dialogue and conciliation and, if necessary, with a good settlement.

Persecution, harassment, and bullying do not contribute to productivity and much less to the motivation of other workers.

9. Ensure Diversity and Inclusion

Companies should avoid creating favoritism; for example, saying that young employees are the ones who bring new ideas and are the future of the company is a message that more experienced employees will not receive well.

Similarly, if training and development opportunities are offered, the company must ensure that all groups and types of professional profiles receive them. It can lead to dissatisfaction and significant gaps among employees.

Valuing diversity and inclusion of all types of people and professionals positively influences employee loyalty and your corporate brand.


Dotcomsourcing understands the importance of promoting and keeping human resources motivated to successfully achieve the objectives that each company has set for itself.

We offer companies innovative outsource talent management, tailor-made for each organization, which will allow them to enhance their capabilities and develop attitudes related to each job position.

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