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Remote Staffing Services

Embrace the art of intelligent hiring, and watch your business thrive effortlessly!

Virtual Staffing Services

Augment your existing teams with us

How it works?

Discovery Call

Share your unique requirements:

  • Specific job roles and positions
  • Desired skills, expertise, and experience level
  • Preferred working hours
  • Employment contract: full-time, part-time, project-based

Recruitment and Screening

Our systematic talent acquisition and evaluation strategy:

  • Creating compelling job advertisements on various platforms
  • Screening applicants and searching our top-rated databases
  • Interviewing shortlisted candidates via initial assessment of their skills, expertise, personality, and professionalism
  • Presenting exceptional profiles to the client

Client Interview and Selection

Virtual interviews to finalize the optimal candidate:

  • Conducting final interviews with selected candidates via Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.
  • Finalizing the best-suited candidate with client’s approval

Onboarding and Ongoing Support

Seamless support through our streamlined system:

  • Smooth onboarding process that clarifies roles and responsibilities
  • Employee orientation regarding company policies
  • Maintaining harmonious relationships with virtual employees
  • Regular check-ins from a dedicated key account manager for every client to offer ongoing support and dispute resolution
  • Ensuring exceptional productivity by providing the right enabling environment and counseling to your delegated resource

Our Process at a Glance

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